Thursday, March 31, 2011

If a win a big prize...

One ambition that I ever have is wining a big lottery prize, I think this ambition is common to many peoples in the world who want to made hes lifes easiers, however the first step to win a prize is by buying a ticket but ain't acquire more than one or tow per year so i don't really expect to get that pleasure.

Anyway if a win that prize all I will do be the following think: At first a will pay all debts of my mom, dad and my brothers, then I give enough money to pay studies of my brothers, I buy a centric flat and little beach house to my mom, of the remainig money I spend seventy percent in houses to rent that generate some entry to my pocket, one ore two millions to have a big party with mi friends and with the rest I start a long trip with mi couple around the world and I leave of the rent of my properties without problems and I'll sing all day "if I where a rich man" of the Fiddler of the Roof movie!

Then, the first place I visit may be Ribiera Maya and I spend some days in that paradise, later a travell all europe and comeback to Chile to prepare my next destiny.

So that are mi ambition, I hope that you enjoy that tale.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My favourite beach

My favourite beach is Las Docas that is placed few kilometers south of Laguna Verde, a little town near Valparaiso, i went it two times before in December with some friends and maybe that outing became into a tradition between Us because during a weekend all we forgot our problems and feel unworried having a big day party and sleep over the sand "looking" the stars.

The beach strictly speaking is is amazing because it is a little far and hidden of the people that's why isn't much visit it, so sand a wather are very cleans and the setting is very quiet, but the most increndible is that you have the option of camping there.

Unfortunately lately owner beach became to charge for entrance rights producing great conflicts with the peoples because it suppose the Chilean beach belong to all Chilleans and nobody can refuse to give acces it.

Anywhere...if you have a couple free days don't doubt to visit because yu'll losing a great place to known at chilean coast.

So partners, that is alla i'm tallking about beaches today.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Experience as English Spoken

My Experience as English Spoken began when a i was almost eleven years olds and i went to primary school. Since that days to now it was a extrange race traying to dominate it because in the beginning i considered it so boring and just one subject more but with the years i begun to know some foreigns and to spoke english begun a necessity to understand what they want to tallk me.

One thing i like of english is his universality because whom dominate tah language can be speake with almost all people in the world. In other hand i desagree whit annihilation that produce in some natural culture languages.

I think the most difficult in english is the pronunciation and duality of some words however i believe that i spoke spanish i will speak english earlier than i think because it's easier to learn it.

Finally i want to tell you about tow thing i like of english culture: 1. Punctuality: that allow they to keep his obligation and 2. The order that exist all around the england countrie. However i recommend that being a little less worried and enjoy the simplicity of the life.

So thats all for today.