My Experience as English Spoken began when a i was almost eleven years olds and i went to primary school. Since that days to now it was a extrange race traying to dominate it because in the beginning i considered it so boring and just one subject more but with the years i begun to know some foreigns and to spoke english begun a necessity to understand what they want to tallk me.
One thing i like of english is his universality because whom dominate tah language can be speake with almost all people in the world. In other hand i desagree whit annihilation that produce in some natural culture languages.
I think the most difficult in english is the pronunciation and duality of some words however i believe that i spoke spanish i will speak english earlier than i think because it's easier to learn it.
Finally i want to tell you about tow thing i like of english culture: 1. Punctuality: that allow they to keep his obligation and 2. The order that exist all around the england countrie. However i recommend that being a little less worried and enjoy the simplicity of the life.
So thats all for today.
Hi Andres. I agree that it is nice to know a language that allows you to communicate with people all around the world. We are lucky to speak English & Spanish. Later we just need to learn some Chinese!!!