Thursday, March 24, 2011

My favourite beach

My favourite beach is Las Docas that is placed few kilometers south of Laguna Verde, a little town near Valparaiso, i went it two times before in December with some friends and maybe that outing became into a tradition between Us because during a weekend all we forgot our problems and feel unworried having a big day party and sleep over the sand "looking" the stars.

The beach strictly speaking is is amazing because it is a little far and hidden of the people that's why isn't much visit it, so sand a wather are very cleans and the setting is very quiet, but the most increndible is that you have the option of camping there.

Unfortunately lately owner beach became to charge for entrance rights producing great conflicts with the peoples because it suppose the Chilean beach belong to all Chilleans and nobody can refuse to give acces it.

Anywhere...if you have a couple free days don't doubt to visit because yu'll losing a great place to known at chilean coast.

So partners, that is alla i'm tallking about beaches today.


  1. Yeahhh men.... This a nice picture.. I think this beach is a incredible.. but is not the best...

  2. Is this Camping Isla las Gaviotas??? I went there last Christmas eve but never got to see the beach.
